It was my final school I looked at on my tour de’ Carolina. Schools included Charlotte, Coastal Carolina and UNC Wilmington.
I have two memories from my trip to Greenville, NC some six and a half years ago. One was the sheer size of the football stadium. The other was the sound the solid metal dorm door made when it shut behind me. I knew within a couple hours ECU was not right for me.
Now I’m back. This time as a graduate of Charlotte.
Basketball season has started. And I am grateful. This is my 3rd season traveling as the radio voice with the women’s basketball team. As a 23-year-old bachelor, traveling across the country is great for a number of reasons. Food is at the top of the list. Don’t get me wrong, I pride myself as being a solid cook, but my pantry and refrigerator is often barren. I’ve come to the realization when I travel with the team, I eat like a king.
Here is the food breakdown on a trip that won’t last more than 36 hours…
6:00pm- On the way to ECU, we stopped and ate at Texas Roadhouse (With a $16 per diem, you can get a lot of food)…
8:00pm-10:00pm- Snacks and the movie “Taken” on the bus the rest of the way…
9:00am- Next morning, get up, have breakfast style buffet awaiting in the lobby…
1:00pm- Lunch delivered from Panera (Roasted chicken panini, chips and water)
4:00pm- Pregame meal (BBQ chicken, salad, lasagna, fresh fruit)
7:00pm- Media meal (when we get to the arena they always have media food, usually pizza or sandwiches)
10:30pm- After the game we have food ordered to the bus, this trip from a local mom and pop establishment where I ordered chicken fingers, mac and cheese and coleslaw
11:00pm-3:00am- Snacks littered all over the bus
Yep, I am going to be about 350 pounds by the end of the season. This is just the first game.
I forgot my digital camera for this trip, but will try and remember it for all the others.
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