This is the high school we are playing at...'Feed the Spirit' is their slogan and it looks like the jaguar is smoking a tornado...guess he's eating the spirit!

This is the look courtside...actually this is where my radio booth will be setup. I've never called a game from the baseline, but hey first time for everything. As you can imagine, its a primitive setup. The one shotclock is located all the way on the sideline. Not sure how Kendria Holmes (our PG) is going to like that?

Just another view from our resort. Its a nice place. The casino is closed though! Yea don't ask. I was looking forward to pressing my luck, but they closed for a week! One week out of the year and they close down this week. How unlucky? Or maybe I'm lucky to be unlucky? Whatever, thats the view!

OK OK I can't take photo credit for this one. Our strength coach Matt Parvis caught this postcard-like image with his digital camera one night on our way to dinner.

Ahhh...crystal blue and it goes on forever....jealous yet?

Literally, I go down the elevator, take about 15 steps and I am standing right here...Apparently we have a little event planned with jetskis, banana boats and other fun water toys tomorrow...

They drive on the left side of the road...I braced myself on a few occasions thinking we were going to wreck. Takes some getting used to.

I haven't seen one of these courts since I was in elementary school...its like the old volleyball court we had at Charlotte for a year...small squares cross-hatched with each, its very bouncy and slick. I think they call it a 'sportcourt'?

The local 'Y' where our girls practiced after a loooooooong day of air travel

I dont know what relevance this has, but its our coaches and players unloading the equiptment van b4 practice.

Trying to get through customs...luckily everyone just breezed right through..first time I ever used my passport

Every wonder what a 4:30am bus trip from the loading dock of the SAC to the airport after just getting back from a game 4 hours previously looks like? Well, that's it. Such a lively bunch. I dont know who Mohit is talking to on the phone at this hour? I know for a fact our strength coach slept on the training room table that night.

Ok, get this...
We arrive at the gate just in time. Literally I stroll up to the terminal and we start boarding. Then we proceed to taxi around for a good 20minutes before the pilot comes over the loud speaker to inform us that our plane has a technical malfunction and we need to head back to the terminal. This is the scene once we unboard...bodies lying everywhere. Frustration with airports is taken to another level when they keep you from getting to a place like the Bahamas.
It was a treat to watch the game in our hometown of Freeport on our daughter's first trip home from UNC Charlotte. Hope your team enjoyed our island.